
The Travel Book

The Travel Book
By:"Lonely Planet,"
Published on 2010 by Lonely Planet

And here's the list. Everywhere. In one comprehensive volume. Defining everywhere was no easy task. Jotting down the 192 member states of the United Nations was the easy part; deciding which other destinations to include provoked much spirited debate and food for thought. We're very proud of this book, an all-consuming project that has involved huge input from authors, staff, photographers and experts from around the globe. Like any serious addiction, the travel bug requires constant attention. If, like me, you consider travel to be an important part of your life, then this book will be bad news - it shows us that no matter how far we travel, there's always further to go. At Lonely Planet we believe passionately in the power of independent travel to transform travellers and the communities to which they travel. Bringing respect, sensitivity, curiosity and a generous dose of humour to the travel experience is enormously important, and we hope this book acts not just as a reference tool, but also as a valuable introduction to a better travel experience. Travel is the world's most important business, but it means far more than just money and employment. It is through travel that we go out and meet the world and the world cornes to meet us. So open The Travel Book and dive inside - my bet is that soon you'll want to turn the printed experience into a real one.

This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword travel books.

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